Accelerate offers efficient and reliable facilities support services from an experienced and trustworthy company
20 years of service knowledge has equipped Accelerate with the skills to deliver best industry practice to our customers. We offer a wide range of FM services and manage everything from single site premises to national portfolios. It is by understanding and responding to our customer needs that we develop bespoke on-site programs to ensure we offer the best experience to your customers, employees and guests.
By adopting our approach to the industry as one of “we always do, what we say we will do” Accelerate has positioned itself as a market leader in the Facilities industry. Over the years we have helped 1000s of clients become happy customers.
Our founding principle, good business is built on excellent relationships, provides insight into Accelerates approach as a service partner, with the cornerstones to that statement being honesty, integrity, professionalism, transparency, understanding, communication and dedication we can provide assurance that we “Get it right, first time every time”.